Ethical and Moral Principles

For our clinic, the assistance we provide for our patients is inscribed in the mission of our Congregation, as an apostolic guideline of charisma, cherished by our founder, Marie Poussepin; she birthed her community to “instruct the youth and aid the sick”. Her founding principles are determined by our own charismatic identity that make a difference and set us apart.
They are:

  • Our health services are to be thought of as charitable acts, “for the sick you will do everything that charity can inspire you to do”.
  • To them we are to offer our complete attention, which is understood in the Christian context as the attention given to all aspects of an individual: Body, mind, spirit and relationships. This is the principle that sets our integrity and the originality of our mission.
  • Every policy will be based more upon human and gospel values and oriented to aid the real needs of the community it serves, and less on profit motives.
  • Its moral imperative is to protect life in every step of its existence, since its conception to its natural death.
  • Every medical procedure will be aimed at serving and protecting life and helping the sick, who will always be in the center of all action, as that is our strategy to provide an integral service.
  • Our anthropologic vision is one that is biblical and theological, from which all our provided attention will be guided by. This encompasses the education, assistance, investigations, humanization, pastoral accompaniment and spiritual and religious support.
  • Respect the dignity of the person, offering the same quality of attention in regards to opportunity, accessibility and safety, according to the moral and ethical conscience preached by the gospel and the rules stablished by our health system.
  • Ethical model coherent with the directives of the Catholic Church, which represents our philosophy: prudential personalism.

This last model has its roots in a personalist vision of men and women, where:

  • The human body its thought as an intrinsic part of a human being that takes part in its dignity as a son of god.
  • Rejects dualism in relation with treatment and demands an integral attention.
  • Rejects surgical procedures such as abortions and euthanasia, as they seek to manipulate and eliminate a human being.

This model accepts technology and with it:

  • Plastic surgery, if it is necessary.
  • Genetic engineering in relation to somatic gene therapy.
  • Assisted reproduction, as long as the marital act is not forsaken by it.
  • Medical decisions will be primarily decided by virtue of caution, rather than by knowledge and medical expertise.
  • Prudential personalism harmonizes treatment, attention and healing, it guarantees good practices and, at the same time, attention that is unmistakably human. Is promoted by the Catholic Church to all Catholic professionals that dedicate themselves to delivering health services.

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