
The area of admissions has as its objective to gather data for the correct identification of the patient and to provide standardized information that gives the patient an idea of what it is that the clinic offers to him or her, according to their insurance and its relation to the clinic, the rights of the patients and an efficient management of available resources.

Benefits it provides:

  • General information and answers about its administrative process.
  • Humane, safe and timely customer support.
  • Knowledge and respect for patients’ rights and duties.
  • Information and orienteering about the services covered by their insurance contracts.


  • Compiles and distributes administrative information
  • Supports the administrative management
  • Condenses lists of patients, reports to external stakeholders, and emits certificates.
  • Manages the telephone lines, redirecting users to their interest area, and communicates with entities such as the ESE, insurance companies, the IPS and others.
  • Authorizes services.
  • Makes sure administrative criterions are being met.
  • Fills out and update records about patients’ clinical history corresponding to their admission.
  • Informs and educates patients and their families about the hospitalization and admission processes.
  • Assigns patients their bed and location.
  • Carries out the checkout processes of patients.
  • Prepares the billing pertaining to the medical services provided and the physical spaced used.

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